Montevideo is capital and the largest city in country Uruguay. Estimate population of Montevideo is approximately 1 million citizens, and it is city with highest quality of life in South America. Montevideo stretches on 526 squire kilometers or 326 squire miles area. Montevideo is also known by seat of Roman Catholic Archdiocese.
Few words about Montevideo in own language:
"Montevideo es la capital y ciudad más grande de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Es, además, sede administrativa del Mercosur y de la Aladi. Es la capital más austral de América. Se ubica en la zona sur del país, con costas sobre el Río de la Plata (el cual -a la altura de la ciudad de Montevideo- presenta un alto nivel de salinidad y de oleaje, y está influenciado por las mareas producto de su cercanía al Océano Atlántico), dentro del departamento homónimo, el de menor extensión de los 19 existentes en el país"...by Wiki Es
There is a big list of site's who are offering preview and review of attractive places in Montevideo. I have collect very interesting parts of this City. Montevideo counts more than 65 hotels and accommodations and more than 80 restaurants. There are also more than 20 locations in the city which you have to see. Some of them are: "Teatro Solis", "Jardin Botanico", "Barrio Sur", "Cuidad Vieja", "Palacio Legislativo" and much more, what you can find here: