Lagos is most populous city in country Nigeria, and the second most populous city in Africa after Cairo. Estimate population of Lagos is approximately over 8 million citizens, and city stretches on 1000 squire kilometers or 386 squire miles area. It is good to say that Lagos is also second most growing city in Africa.
Few words about history of Lagos:
"Lagos was a Yoruba settlement of Awori people initially called Oko. The name was later changed to Eko (Edo: "cassava farm") or Eko ("war camp") during the Kingdom of Benin occupation. The Yoruba still use the name Eko when they speak of 'Lagos', a name which never existed in Yoruba language. It is likely that the name 'Lagos' was given to the town by the first Portuguese settlers who navigated from a coastal town of the same name in Portugal."...by Wiki
I searched quite a lot about Lagos, and thrust me, I have not find anything about tourism in Lagos. But I just found few interesting thing about this city. When Lagos was projected as a city, constructors are planning to build the biggest city in the world by 2005 year. That obviously did not happened but it is, how I said up here, one of the fastest growing cities in Africa. Tourism is not the main goal in Lagos, how did I see, but I saw one blog about Lady who did visit Lagos. Here is her experience.
Pictures of Lagos: