Santa Cruz is the largest and the most populous city in county Bolivia. Estimate population of Santa Cruz is approximately near 1,5 million citizens. Santa Cruz stretches on 326 squire kilometers or 126 squire miles area. Santa Cruz is also known as Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
Few words about Santa Cruz in own language:
"Santa Cruz de la Sierra es la ciudad capital del departamento de Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Está situada en el este del país, a orillas del rio Piraí. Población: 1.594.926 de habitantes, que unidos a los de su área metropolitana (municipios de Cotoca, Porongo, Warnes y La Guardia1 ) ascienden a 1.774.998. Es la la ciudad más populosa de Bolivia, y su crecimiento."...By wiki Es
There is a lot of places to visit in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Be size hotels and accommodation which are very cheap, Santa Cruz guide will be in completed without these: Amboró National Park, Noel Kepmff Mercado National Park, Tiwanaku, Samaipata, Salar de Uyuni, The Virgen of Urkupiña and much more other uncountable parts of this beautiful city. Take a look at this guide.
Pictures of Santa Cruz: