Monaco - Monaco

Monaco is capital city of same name country Monaco. Very small but very rich city. Estimated population of Monaco is 32.000 citizens, and city stretches over 1,92 squire kilometers or 0,76 squire miles. Monaco is also known as city without taxes, and it is on of the most popular city in the world for rich people.

Something about Monaco in French language:

"La Principauté de Monaco, ou Monaco en forme courte, est un pays d’Europe de l’Ouest ainsi qu’une commune du même nom occupant la même superficie que l’État lui-même (ce qui en fait une cité-État). Enclavée dans le territoire français, entre les villes de Cap-d'Ail, Beausoleil, La Turbie et Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, Monaco est situé au bord de la mer Méditerranée, le long de la Côte d'Azur, à une vingtaine de kilomètres à l’est de Nice." Wiki France

Monaco's official web site is build in 7 languages, what is very useful for those who are planning to visit this city, and where you can find what ever you need about Monaco. For example, there is something about history of Monaco, Events, Planning your own trip over Monaco, Meeting and Incentives, and much useful information's. Take a look here.

Pictures of Monaco:




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