Addis Ababa is one of the largest cities in Africa. Forth by the population in whole Africa, largest and capital in country Ethiopia. Estimate population of Addis Ababa is approximately near 3 million citizens. Addis Ababa stretches on 530 squire kilometers or 204 squire miles area. Addis Ababa is also called Addis Abeba which means "new flower".
Few words about Addis Ababa's history:
"Addis Ababa was founded by the Ethiopian emperor Menelik II. The name of the city was taken from parts of the city called hora Finfinnee ("hot springs") in Oromo. Another Oromo name of the city is Sheger. Menelik, as initially a King of the Shewa province, had found Mount Entoto a useful base for military operations in the south of his realm, and in 1879 visited the reputed ruins of a medieval town, and an unfinished rock church that showed proof of an Ethiopian presence in the area prior to the campaigns of Ahmad Gragn."...by Wiki
Addis Ababa is one very nice City. It's not so much famous by his tourism, but, there is a lot of place which you can see in Addis Ababa. Searching on Google, I found very interesting stuffs about Addis Ababa: There is more than 35 top hotels and accommodation which are known on internet, and which are offering very cheap services, there is also more than 44 restaurants, and few things you have to see be size sight seeing and incredible things about this City, which you will have to discover. There is National Museum, Merkato and Derg Monument. More information's here: