Tripoli is largest and of course capital city of country Libya, in North Africa. Tripoli is located in the edge of the desert Sahara. Estimate population of Tripoli is approximately 1,7 million citizens. City stretches on 400 squire kilometers or 155 squire miles area. Name Tripoli means "three cities", and it's also called Trablas.
Few words about Tripoli in own language:
"طرابلس هي عاصمة ليبيا وأكبر مدنها الحديثة. بلغ عدد سكانها حسب إحصاء للعام 2003 قرابة 1.149.957 نسمة .[1] يطلق عليها بعض العرب في منطقة "المشرق العربي" اسم "طرابلس الغرب". و تقع جغرافيا على خط طول 13,12 شرقا وعلى خط عرض 32,52 شمالا في الشمال الغربي لليبيا وهي كذلك ميناؤها البحري الرئيسي. وتحتل المدينة رأس صخري مطل على البحر الأبيض المتوسط و تقع مقابل الرأس الجنوبي لجزيرة صقلية. يحدها شرقا تاجوراء وجنزور، غربا جنزور، جنوبا السواني.
"...by Wiki Arab
Tripoli is city which is not so much attractive like place for visit by the way. It is more historic city where you can find much more historic details and facts than hotels and accommodations. Let me tell you that, in Tripoli are just a few hotels, which are pronounce on web sites, and just a 33 restaurants. But, Tripoli has much more heritage facts what you need to see, like Jamahiriya Museum, Green Square, Tripoli's Medina, The Arch of Marcus Aurelius and the most famous Tripoli's Red Castle - Assai al-Hamra. Visit Tripoli, all informations are here.
Pictures of Tripoli: