Lima is capital and the largest city of state Peru, in South America. It is 3th largest city in South America after Sao Paolo and Mexico City. Estimate population of Lima is almost 8 million citizens. Lima stretches on 2673 squire kilometers or 1032 squire miles area. City Lima is places on coast of Pacific Ocean.
Few words about Lima in own language:
"Lima es la ciudad capital del Perú, así como su ciudad más grande e importante. Está ubicada en la costa central del Perú, a orillas del Océano Pacífico, en los valles de los ríos Chillón, Rímac y Lurín. Forma un área urbana continua con el puerto del Callao. Fue fundada por el conquistador español Francisco Pizarro el 18 de enero de 1535, como la «Ciudad de los Reyes»"...by Wiki Espania
There is a lot of interesting places in Lima, correctly over 80 places to see and things to do. Top rated are Museo Larco, Parque Reserva, Church of San Francisco, Plaza San Martin, Miraflores and Plaza de Armas. It is good to say that Lima has more than 240 restaurants and 245 hotels and accommodations. Lima is very attractive place to see, and visit of course because of his Culture, Nature and History. More information's about Lima you can see here.
Pictures of Lima: