Austin is capital city of the state Texas in America. It is 4th largest city in Texas and 16th in whole America. Estimate population of Austin is approximately 750,000 citizens, and city stretches on 767 squire kilometers or 297 squire miles area. It is important to say that Austin is one of the fastest growing city in America according statistics from 2000 till 2007 year.
Few words about Austin history:
"Prior to the arrival of settlers from the United States, the area that later became Austin was inhabited by a variety of nomadic Native American tribes, including the Tonkawa tribe, the Comanches, and the Lipan Apaches. Edward Burleson laid out the town of Waterloo in the mid-1830s. When the Texas Congress formed a commission to seek a site for a new capital to be named Austin, Mirabeau Lamar advised the commissioners to investigate Waterloo, which was then indeed chosen."...by Wiki
Searching around I wasn't really impressed by travel guides trough Austin. Everyone offers almost the same things, accommodations, hotels and places to see, but no one mention anything which could attract me, except one site where did I found almost anything what I'm wanted to see. Starting from Austin's University, Performing art center over Mary Moody theatre and Zilker Metropolitan park. One little thing is missing, Austin winter, but all necessary information's are here.
Pictures of Austin: