Few words about Paris in own language:
"Paris est la ville la plus peuplée et la capitale de la France, chef-lieu de la région Île-de-France et unique commune-département du pays. Elle se situe sur une boucle de la Seine, au centre du Bassin parisien, entre les confluents de la Marne et de la Seine en amont, et de l’Oise et de la Seine en aval. Ses habitants s’appellent les Parisiens et les Parisiennes."...by Wiki France
There is almost 12 million reasons to visit Paris, just like number of Paris citizens. Most important thing in Paris is his attraction, and world famous buildings, hotels, sight seeings, parks, architecture buildings, historic facts and much more. Eiffel Tower is one of the most amazing tower in the world, Notre Dame Church, Champs Elysees and many others.
I have always follow my rules about this blog, preferring just tourism in this part of post, but this time, there is something more interesting than tourism, it is online sight seeing via web cams placed in most popular parts of Paris. Take a look here.
Pictures of Paris: