Few word in Croatian language:
"Zagreb je glavni grad Republike Hrvatske, i najveći grad u Hrvatskoj po broju stanovnika. Povijesno gledano, Zagreb je izrastao iz dva naselja na susjednim brdima, Gradeca i Kaptola, koji čine jezgru današnjeg Zagreba, njegov Stari grad. Zagreb danas predstavlja upravno, gospodarsko, kulturno, prometno i znanstveno središte Hrvatske. Položajem i kulturom spada u gradove Srednje Europe."...by Wiki Croatia
Because of the fact that Zagreb is my nearest city, i could write about it for days. But i wont. There is a lot of information's you can find about Zagreb, most of them are about tourism. Hotels, Accommodations, sight seeings, old city, Presidency of Croatia, incredible historic city view, Private touristic guides, students brochures, universities, and much much more. All information's you can find here, in Croatian and English language.
Pictures of Zagreb: