Few words in own language:
"Nairobi is die hoofstad, en grootste stad van Kenia. Die naam kom van die Masai "Ewaso Nyirobi", wat "koel waters" beteken. Die inwonertal is sowat 2miljoen. Die belangrikste tale in Nairobi is Swahili, Kikuyu en Engels. Nairobi is in 1899 gestig as tussenpunt vir die Uganda-spoorlyn tussen Mombasa en Uganda. DiƩ stad word in 1907 die hoofstad van die protektoraat Brits-Oosafrika en met onafhanklikheid in 1963 die hoofstad van Kenia." by Wiki Africa
Searching for tursm in Nairobi, I found one very interesting content about Nairobi. It says: "Visitors can find things not so common in other parts of Africa, such as nice theatres showing the latest films, expensive restaurants serving every type of food, as well as E-mail facilities, faxes and any other sort of modern technology you may want to use. The city is constantly alive, especially at night. Unfortunately, Nairobi has acquired a reputation of being a dangerous city and petty crime is rampant". It's up to you. Informations here.
Now pics of Nairobi, Kenya: