Rabat - Morocco

Back in Africa, this time I'm in Rabat, capital city of Kingdom Morocco, and region Salé Zemmour Zaer. With population of 2 million citizens, this city is places in Atlantic Ocean. After Casablanca, this city is most popular tourism place in whole Morocco. City stretches over 634 squire kilometers or 245 squire miles. Spoken language in Rabat is French.

About Rabat in home language:

"Rabat (en arabe : الرباط (ar-Ribat)) est la capitale politique et administrative du Maroc. Elle est située sur le littoral Atlantique du pays, sur la rive gauche de l'embouchure du Bouregreg, en face de la ville de Salé. Elle comptait 628 000 habitants et 1,614,000 pour l'agglomération au recensement de 2004 ( 3.123.595 hab pour l'ensemble de la grande région de Rabat , la région de Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaër)."

Link: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabat

How much i can see, Rabat is nice quite place in Morocco. Searching google, I found it that it's really nice place for visit, and besize of Rabat, this city has a lot of names like: city of legend, city of culture, city of entertainment, city of crossroads. Take a look official Rabat's tourism site:


Now few amazing pics of this incredible city:




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